Miracles of Christ

Marriage at Cana The Tribute Money The Marriage Feast at Cana The Marriage Feast at Cana The Accursed Fig Tree The Betrothed of Cana The Marriage at Cana The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes The Tribute Money The Tribute Money The Marriage at Cana Christ and the Tribute Money The Wedding at Cana The Tribute Money The Marriage at Cana Marriage at Cana The Tribute Money (after Rembrandt) The miracle of the obol in the mouth of the fish The Tribute Money. Peter Finding the Silver Coin in the Mouth of the Fish. Also called "The Ferry Boat to Antwerp" Marriage at Cana Marriage at Cana (Arenberg) Marriage at Cana The Marriage Feast at Cana The Wedding at Cana The Wedding at Cana The Tribute Money The Marriage at Cana Q3947814 Feeding of the Five Thousand The Wedding at Cana The Marriage at Cana The Tribute Money Wedding at Cana Q30771294 Study for "The Tribute Money" The Tribute Money The miracle of the five loaves and two fish The Tribute Money The Tribute Money The wedding at Cana The Wedding at Cana